Oz Camp n' Boat

Camping & Boating Tips, Tricks & Gadgets

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Meet Out Writers


I have travelled to a lot of the world in my short twenty years. I’ve hiked and skied many foreign slopes and driven across countless borders. But when it comes to really experiencing the outdoors, nothing gets you there like getting away in a tent or swag and boiling your water for a morning brew on the fire.


Since I was a young fella’, I have spent my holidays running around campsites. Even still, 35 years later, I enjoy getting out of town in a tent, camper trailer, or caravan. Any excuse to hit a 4WD track is worth the effort, and I feel just as relaxed out on the water fishing or sailing! Seasonal opportunities to hit the slopes on a snowboard brings equal pleasure.

Australia truly is the lucky country when it comes to recreation, and there is way too much to see and do in just one lifetime, but we should all be out to see as much as we can!


Mackayla is an avid adventurer who you’ll most often find paddling in a kayak or clambering through wild hiking destinations.

Emma C

Emma is a young Mum who knows the struggles of travelling with kids. But even that isn’t going to stop her packing up the family in the Campervan and hitting the road!

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